Photo retouching treatment for laugh lines correction
Our photo retouching artists work on several aspects of your face to make you look younger. One of them is retouching the laugh lines, or reducing the effects of deep nasolabial folds, to make the years drop off your face.
Deepening nasolabial folds is one of those visible signs of aging. This creates an overhang of facial skin that rolls over toward the lip. As more tissue falls forward, the nasolabial fold gets deeper.
Treatment of the deep nasolabial fold has always been a difficult challenge, particularly at the time of a facelift procedure by a plastic surgeon. It has been observed that facelifts involving treatment of nasolabial folds are not always successful. The pull from the repositioned skin flap during a facelift does not produce a sustained improvement.
The only non-surgical treatment, and by far the most common, for nasolabial fold reduction is the use of injectable fillers like Botox. But the obvious problem with all synthetic fillers is that they are not permanent. Fat injections for more permanent filling of the nasolabial fold unfortunately do not work due to fat absorption.
So what is the solution to the bane of deep laugh lines that belie your age — in fact making you look older than your years some times? Well, we have a virtual solution. We can retouch the appearance of the nasolabial folds around your mouth. We never recommend that the laugh lines be removed completely — that might alter the contours of your face in a strange way. Ideally these should reduced and softened — how far to go is a matter of personal choice.
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