Photo Editing Services
Text removal and picture position
You've been extremely helpful in the past and now I'm hopeful you can help me again. Attached is a Mother's Day project someone started but it was never finished correctly. I also included a copy of the project in which I numbered each picture to help as I explain what I would like moved.
First: I would like for Mothers Day 2013 to be removed. In its place I would like for pictures 33 and 34 to be repositioned there and sized to match the others.
Second: Move picture 2 to the end of row 3, picture 3 to the end of row 4 and picture 4 to the end of row 5. This would now create row 1 with two pictures, one at each end. Row 2 through 5 would have eight pictures each.
Add Mother's Day 2013 between pictures 1 and 5 in script. It might be necessary to move pictures 1 and 5 out to make more room.
If possible, add a decorative border. Please advice on what you can do.
Photo edits
I have some more quotes to get from you please. Images # 27 and #48 have been blown out. Is there any way to correct this? Images #131 and #134 only need the glare on the man's glasses fixed.
Glare on eye glass
I have a picture I scanned and it is going to be used in my wife's sister's funeral. I was going to try to work on removing the glare on her glasses but I don't have much time to learn about how to achieve it. If this is something that you could do fairly quickly at a fair cost, I would appreciate it. I have the image attached above.
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