Photo Editing Services
Change colour of clothes
Please change the colour of the ladies top to black please
Appear thinner with photo editing and retouching
Hi, I would like to appear thinner in the attached photographs. The section of my dress that is white seems much larger when I'm sitting. Also make the cheeks slimmer as well. Let me know the fees.
Bulk wedding pictures photo editing
Customer: Hi there, I found your website and would like to get some wedding photos retouched in bulk to make me look slimmer. I had to take a course of steroids (for health problems) just before my wedding so I look very swollen in my wedding photos.
Below are some examples of things I'd like fixed in my wedding pictures: My arms looks embarrassingly pudgy. My face looks very swollen and my arm huge (and the fat beside my boob). I also have 2 chins! And of course the arms and my body looks really wide.
Please let me know if this is possible and photo editing costs. How much would it cost to edit about 50 photos? And how much for 100 photos?
Photo editing expert: Thanks for contacting us. These photos are right up our alley and we fix hundreds of wedding photos every week. The price will range between $X - $X per photo for bulk work. I am sorry, but we don't offer sweat shop rates. Each photo is handled by an expert retoucher who takes considered decisions before applying just the right amount of fix.
Customer: I am certainly looking for quality photo editing work and am willing to pay for it.
Photo editing expert: Attached are two edited photos. These edits are a bit restrained and subtle, that a viewer, even from the event, will not question... If you want the retouch / edit to be more radical we can do that too. It's just a matter of personal preference.
Customer: These are great! Thank you so much. Which is the best way for me to send the bulk photos to you? Something like Dropbox? Also you said the photos would be between $X-$X, so from the samples, would you be able to gauge which end of the scale it would be? Or is the cost for each photo on an individual basis? I am away from home at the moment and have the photos at home so will be able to get them to you early next week. Please let me know how to proceed to get my wedding album edited.
Photo editing expert: I am glad you like these samples. $X to $X is the rate for bulk 100 photos, assuming the photos will be as per the representative pictures you sent in the first email. I will be able to give you exact costs upon viewing the photos. Yes, you may use Dropbox to send the photos. I look forward to working on your wedding pics.
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We provide custom photo editing services.
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You will receive a quotation for 'Paid' jobs.
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