Shadow removal with photo retouching
Our photo editing services for shadow removal and shadow reduction are frequently requested by professional photographers and amateurs. Certain types of shadows sometimes ruin a perfectly nice photo. For instance, it is not always possible to predict what the camera flash will do. At times, sunlight throws up harsh shadows. We can expertly remove shadows from photographs in the most imperceptible way. Our expert photo retouchers have solutions to nearly problems arising from unwanted and harsh shadows.
The wrong type of shadows can ruin an otherwise perfectly composed photograph. Often times in portrait photography, we find shadows on the wall directly behind the person being shot. This happens because a flash has been used to take the picture. This takes the attention away from the subject of the photo. Apart from looking unprofessional and amateurish, the dark shadow outline around the face in fact appears to alter the contours of the face. Sometimes there is a diffused dark blob behind the model to one side. The reason such shadows show up on the wall is because either the person is too close to the wall or the direction of the light is angled a certain way. The photographer is in control of the light and it would take a little experimenting to prevent the shadows.
Lighting for product photography can be tricky sometimes. This amounts to a poor quality product photos that won't do a good job of making a sale. Certain products (like fine jewelry or bicycle wheels) can be intricate with shadows showing up where they shouldn't. Most of our e-retail customers want shadowless product photos with a planned drop shadow added later.
It is not always possible for a photographer to perfectly plan outdoor photos especially when it involves a large group of people, such as at weddings and other such events. The location and the position of the sun plays a big part in avoiding harsh shadows. Shadows that fall across the face greatly devalue a picture. We are mostly able to reduce such shadows though in some cases we have to replace the whole face. Sunlight falling directly on the face makes people squint. Add to this the problem of facial shadows and we have dark blobs where the eyes should be.
Our shadow editing services include the creation of natural shadow effects, color editing of shadows and shadow enhancement. This is especially useful when a photographer is not be able to capture prominent shadows of key objects in an image. A drop shadow adds to the 3D effect of an object in a photograph giving it more visual depth and making it look more appealing and realistic.
We can enhance your photos for greater appeal and increased depth with our special image shading effects by adding a natural shadow, drop shadow or reflection shadow. Our drop shadow service is mostly used by online store owners for visual effect and to showcase their products in an attractive manner.
Remember that customer photographs ('before' and 'after') are NEVER used as examples or samples. These belong solely to the customers who ordered them (via 'free' or 'paid' jobs). Complete privacy is guaranteed.
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