Photo retouching services for virtual weight loss
Photo retouching for virtual weight loss, anti-aging: "Mother is just back from a wonderful holiday in Egypt, and now it's time to send photos to the family. This picture (on left) at the pyramids with the camel is just great, but mother is not pleased. Reasons enumerated by her: i) She looks 'fat and frumpy'; ii) She looks 'disinterested and morose'; iii) The 'double chin really shows', and she 'looks older' than she cares to be! Is it possible to correct all these problems. I know it would mean a lot to her. It might even encourage her to join a weight-loss class. Just want to clarify here: you don't need to make her skinny. She always been a big girl, so just some believeable amount of fat off her would be good."
Remove cellulite from thighs
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