Interior design photo editing services
We provide interior design image editing services for interior photography and also architectural photography.
Object manipulation with photo editing
Interior designer: "Hi, I'm an interior designer and have just completed this living room project. Nice one to add to my portfolio. I only wish the TV had been switched on before taking the picture. Right now the the blank TV screen is just a large black patch — certainly not adding to the ambience. Would you please 'switch the TV on'! Please move the visual on this Sony Bravia LCD (photo on right) onto the TV screen in the living room photo. Need to add some element of colour and depth in that area. Thanks!"
House interior photo editing
Image editing: Ceiling fan removed and flooring below fixed
Home seller: "We are putting the house up for sale. The estate agent has told us to remove the ceiling fan (and I thought it was an asset!) and fix the ceiling. Also, the flooring below needs repair. Meanwhile, photos of all the rooms are to be turned in for the advert before end-of-day today. Please do this job on an urgent basis."
Interior design visualisation with photo editing
Image editng: Elements added with interior design
Interior designer: "This is a picture of an unfinished bathroom interiors project. Please carry out the following changes / additions:
1) Place mirror (pic attached) in the white rectangle area
2) Facing wall: Remove potted plant seen on top of cabinet and move cabinet to the right, at a higher point.
3) Facing wall: Remove empty frames and arrange the 3 attached pics of handmade tiles in that area."
Photo editing to replace elements in interior design
Interior decoration manipulation with photo editing
Interior designer: "I want the blurred figure of the woman ('before' photo above) removed from the photo. Also remove the four steel vases. Now get the Athena statue from the other picture and stand it where the vases were. Create more blank space above the statue. Set the statuette at about 18" height. (We will have a miniature commissioned if the client approves this.) How soon can this edit be completed?
Landscaping effects with photo ediitng
Virtual landscaping with Photoshop
"This photograph will be page 1 of a report on the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) for publication in a WHO journal. It is difficult to come by a better photograph of the Institute anywhere on the Internet or even the AIIMS website. Unfortunately, it does not have the insignia / institute name anywhere. Could you add it somewhere. The obvious place would be the top of the building, but that would make it very distant. What about trying out a grass sculpture with the logo, in the foreground of the picture. Is that possible?"
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We provide custom photo editing services.
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You will receive a quotation for 'Paid' jobs.
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