Blur Photo Background
We often receive requests to blur backgrounds in photographs. There are times when you want to focus only on the important areas in a photo. We can blur out a background that is obtrusive or not meaningful enough, or when it takes away from the main subject... Blurring the background make the resultant photo look especially effective when background objects are too close to the main subject.
Blur background in wedding photos
View photo editing examples of wedding photo retouching
Online photo background blur
Every picture is about a subject and that must be the focus of any photo. However, sometimes when we click a photo we also capture a lot of objects or people who do not, in any way, contribute anything meaningful to the mood of that picture. In such cases, blurring the photo background is a highly valuable technique to emphasize the subject in a picture. Oftentimes newly married couples have some wonderful pictures of their special day but unfortunately there are lot of people hanging around in the background which is not only distracting but takes the spotlight away from the newly-weds.
Blur photo background to focus on subject
View before and after examples of celebrity photo editing
Online photo editor to blur background
Similarly, we take pictures of famous historic monuments during our vacations and realize that there are a lot of peripherals in the photo which are serving no purpose at all. In such cases, we offer to blur out the background of the picture. One may well ask why we can’t just remove the unwanted people or objects from the image. Well, it sometimes appears more natural and authentic to just blur the random people/ objects rather than completely remove them from the photo.
Photo background blurring in romantic pictures
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Blur image background online
A single glance at our sample ‘Before-After’ pictures is enough to convince anyone of the remarkable difference the background blur effect has on the final edit. Apart from enhancing the image it also highlights the subjects and lends a snugness to the pictures which was missing earlier. In the wedding pictures it certainly adds to the romantic aura - an essential part of all wedding photos. We do not use any editing software but hand-edit each image with great care so that it looks absolutely natural. Our editors have had many years of experience on the job and hence our work is comparable to the best.
Remember that customer photographs ('before' and 'after') are NEVER used as examples or samples. These belong solely to the customers who ordered them (via 'free' or 'paid' jobs). Complete privacy is guaranteed.
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