Samples >> Blemish Removal
Photo Retouching Services
There are times when the nicest photos bear some blemish or the other. Such photographs can be retouched to get rid or the problem areas.
We often receive requests for removal of blemishes such as scars, acne, freckles, injury marks, moles, warts, pimples, dark circles under eyes, red eye, scratches, boils and sometimes even deformities.
Remember that customer photographs ('before' and 'after') are NEVER used as examples or samples. These belong solely to the customers who ordered them (via 'free' or 'paid' jobs). Complete privacy is guaranteed.
We provide custom photo editing services.
Click here to submit assignment or ask questions.
'Quick' photo editing is free.
You will receive a quotation for 'Paid' jobs.
Complete privacy is guaranteed.
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