Add or Remove Object / Person from Photo
We often receive requests for photo editing work involving group photographs in which someone who is missing needs to be added in from another photograph, or someone who is in the group needs to be removed, or moved around within the group.
At times certain people in the group aren't happy with the way they are looking and want that to be set right. Sometimes it is possible to replace their image with a different one from another photo. Then there are times when someone had their eyes closed, or was looking away, or was the only one not smiling, or had an unfortunate pimple, a stained shirt, or eyeglass glare...
There are times when an entire group needs to be moved to another location — example — out of the conference room and in front of their corporate headquarters building...
Our add/remove service is one of the most popular probably because most of us need to use it at least once in our lives. The service basically involves adding a person/persons or an object/ objects to an image or removing the same to enhance the effect or mood of the picture. There are numerous occasions when you need to add someone to a photo – like a Christmas or New Year’s party when the whole family was present except your sister; or a reunion party of your ‘gang’ from school when one of them misses the flight; or your wedding party when one of the grandparent was convalescing in the hospital. Naturally, you feel that these photos are incomplete without the missing people and are wondering just how to solve the problem. Well, you have come to the right place. With the amount of experience our editors have gathered over the years handling countless cases like these, we can get the job done to your utmost satisfaction. Alternatively, there are times when a person is not required in a picture because he is not part of the group or family, maybe the person does not quite fit in with the mood of the photo or the occasion, or possibly just at the time of clicking a random person walks in front of the camera. Obviously, you would like to remove the unwanted these people from the photos. Our team will perform the job in a manner that no one would even realize it.
Unwanted objects in a picture can be extremely distracting and interfere with the beauty or the ambience of the photo. These objects need to be removed to heighten the impact of the picture. Many a times there are items that are an eyesore in a photo like power lines going across, or someone’s hand or leg in a photo, or even litter on the pavement. Make sure not to leave them in a photo, they must be removed to do justice to your photos.
Another popular request is photo manipulations. Say you took your kids to Disneyland for their summer vacation and all the photos you clicked were accidentally deleted. Imagine you don’t have a single picture of that memorable family vacation. Now, this can be disconcerting to say the least. But not really, if you send us some family pictures with different expressions (suitable for Disneyland), in casual wear and just let us know the places in Disneyland you want the photos to be placed, and then just to sit back and let our editors do all the hard work . Apart from these realistic photo edits, we also do fantasy pictures or fun photos. Like adding Spiderman or Batman to your kid’s photo, or placing you next to a celebrity, or placing a baby on a flower, adding a fairy to a photo and so many like these. Just let us know what you want and you can be sure that you will not be disappointed. As a matter of fact, you will certainly come back to us for more photo retouching and photo editing requests.
Remember that customer photographs ('before' and 'after') are NEVER used as examples or samples. These belong solely to the customers who ordered them (via 'free' or 'paid' jobs). Complete privacy is guaranteed.
We provide custom photo editing services.
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Complete privacy is guaranteed.
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