Photo Retouching / Editing Services Before & After Samples
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Use our photo retouching services to create your desired body image. We offer body slimming photo services with digital figure correction, virtual weight loss along with body sculpting and reshaping. It doesn't matter if you have just a little bit extra fat to shed; if you are somewhat curvy, overweight or just outright obese. We will work on your pictures to make you look just the way you like. Click on our online photo slimming samples links to view before-and-after examples. Our 'Look Slimmer' photo-edit service provides the much needed motivation and encouragement if you are planning to lose weight.
Our online body slimming examples include a picture of a plus size swimsuit model who has been made to look thinner with photo editing. The next example is also of a plus-size woman whose double chin has been touched up and facial fat reduced to make her look thinner and younger. One of the examples is of a heavy set woman in a one-piece swimsuit for whom we have done overall slimming -- her legs have been slenderized, especially the thighs, waist, arms and face. Overall body slimming has been done for a plus-size clothing model to have the body specifications of model with a regular size. There is also a portrait photo editing sample in which an overweight man has been made to look thin. The fat on the face, chin and neck has been removed and the subject has been slimmed down. Figure photo editing comes next in which the shapeless waist of a bikini clad woman has been retouched to look shapely.
There is also an example of male body photo editing in which the belly fat has been removed and paunch has been flattened. In the next before & after photo retouching example we have edited the sagging jowls of a middle-aged woman and retouched the facial skin to make it look firm, making the woman look thinner and younger. One of the photo edit samples has a heavy set, plus-size model who has been converted to a regular size svelte young woman. Yet another example is of young woman's full length two-piece bikini picture that shows many pounds of extra abdominal fat that has been removed with figure correction photo editing. There are also two instances of instant female weight loss of 15lbs and 30lbs with our digital body reshaping services. Next is a celebrity weight loss picture of fat girl Monique Imes who has been Photoshpped to look thin and slender. Stephanie Caicedo has also been given a body makeover by editing body proportions and carrying out virtual limb lengthening in her photographs.
Can weight gain be reversed without exercises or pills? Well, body weight problem can be tackled in photographs by our deft photo retouchers. On display is a before & after example of virtual male liposuction -- weight loss and body sculpting with photo editing and photo retouching. The use of photo retouching to reduce cellulite on thighs helps to slim down the legs and smoothens the skin. Another example of overall weight loss in a young man starts with slenderizing plump cheeks by removing facial baby fat. There are also several retouching samples of making fat models look thin. We also offer digital weight loss retouching services for couple photos to make both, the man and woman, look a bit younger and thinner.
Women's bodies tend to accumulate extra fat on around the belly, hips and thighs. The next retouching example is an extreme case of body reshaping done on a woman with enormous amounts of fat. Some times it helps to start by making the face look thinner and smaller. By the time our photo editing experts are done, an obese woman begins to look refreshingly thinner and sometimes even a bit taller, with an elegant body posture.
Use our skin retouching services to get the look you want. We can fix your photos to reduce wrinkles, remove double chin, touch up under-eye bags and crowfeet, fix sagging jowls and drooping eyelids. We can also give you a virtual facelift, add volume to your hair, improve sagging skin on the neck and smoothen the skin. Ah, for the elixir of youth! Who doesn't want to look younger than they are. Make the right impression. No going under the knife, or even botox injections.
No makeup to full makeup
Always dreamt of those model-perfect looks? Perfect figure, perfect skin, perfect nose, perfect teeth, perfect hair, perfect make-up, glowing eyes, perfect clothes... We can make dramatic changes to your looks with photo retouching and make you look chic & glamorous like a celebrity model.
Have you ever wondered if it is possible to improve the pictures from your wedding day? With our wedding photo retouching services we can transform any ordinary wedding photo into a very special memory. We often have requests from brides to be made to look thinner, remove double chin, remove spots and blemishes, sometimes remove people from group photos, chnage background and more...
"What a nice photograph! But what a boring background." Time to take you out of that drab room and plant you on the beach or bang in the middle of a party! Other times there is a need to take the background off, or replace it with a plain one, or merge two or more photos.
A makeover for photographs that are torn, stained or faded; those that have been damaged due to incorrect storage methods; or have simply aged and discoloured over time.
Often there are group photographs in which a key person is missing. Or someone had their eyes shut (and the eyes need to be opened!). Or there was a someone who isn't part of the group, and needs to go.
We are seldom satisfied with our formal studio photographs meant for photo ID, employee profile, visa application, resume or for other official purposes. Our favourite photos are often the ones that were taken informally, in a group perhaps, but those are the impressive ones! We can extract you from such a photograph, change the background and have a formal 'visa' photo ready.
There are times when you want to focus only on the important areas in a photo. Blur out a background that is obtrusive or not meaningful enough, or when it takes away from the main subject...
But for those marks, your picture would be perfect. Right? Let's clean up those freckles, acne, pimples, dark rings under eyes, moles, injury marks...
Shadow removal requests come up all the time. Certain types of shadows sometimes ruin an otherwise nice photo. It is not always possible to predict what the camera flash will do. At times, sunlight throws up harsh shadows...
Use our photo-editing service for breast enlargement, augmentation or enhancement -- give yourself virtual implants! We can also correct sagging breasts and firm up the tissue to give you a shapely cleavage, curvaceous bustline. On the other hand, if your breasts are too large for comfort, we can do a digital breast reduction as well. Male breats removal is also undertaken.
It would be a rare complaint if ever, "Wish I wasn't so tall...". A lot of people wish they were taller than they are. We can make that possible in a photograph. Sometimes people appear deceptively short in a picture due to angles / placement etc. That can be corrected as well.
Transforming black & white photographs to colour... The result is a vibrant life-like image retaining its natural look as though originally 'shot' in colour.
Sometimes photographs seem to be running certain colours excessivlely. May be extra yellow, or red, or another colour. This can be corrected / adjusted.
We regularly receive requests to 'change colour' — blue car to red, green dress to yellow, vanilla ice cream to stawberry ice cream, red roof to green, maroon carpet to brown... This can help you while taking vital decisions on colour selection — before you go ahead with a project or order something.
Often photographs require exposure correction / adjustment. To the novice it simply means using the 'brightness / contrast' or 'colour balance'slider in a photo editing program. This often results in unsatisfactory results. A skillful human editor can strike the right balance and maintain the integrity of colours while fixing overexposed / underexposed photographs...
An ordinary photograph can be transformed into a striking work of art... A sepia look can transport it to the days of yore... A neo-effect can give it a contemporary zing... Add humour with a caricature... The possibilities are immense and endless. Treat yourself, or plan a unique gift.
Change your car colour... restore an old classic... 'take' your vehicle to exotic locations... Add to your automotive experience with a little photo editing!
Drat that red eye! Ruins an otherwise perfect photograph. Happens a lot with pet photos. Don't fret. That can be taken care of real fast — and FREE!
Most squinchy eye photographs can be fixed with photo editing. You can now salvage perfectly nice photos otherwise spoilt by the partially-closed-eyes look.
We solve all squint eye problems digitally. At times people just appear to be squint-eyed in a photo. And some times pre-surgery patients like to see the 'after' look beforehand...
So you think blue eyes are cool? Or green gives that mysterious depth? Or brown for the warm look? Just go with the mood. Want to change eye colour in your photographs?
The camera flash is often the cause for obstructive reflections on eyeglasses. It is possible to clear up the glare areas, making the eyes visible.
"That photograph is just right. I look good, got the right smile... but those discoloured teeth!" Don't worry, just smile with confidence — Dr. White will work on your teeth. A word of caution: Don't insist on super white teeth — looks a bit unnatural!
We often get requests for teeth gap correction. Small gaps can sometimes look charming, but most often these are awkward. Teeth gaps may appear due to age — as we age, our teeth shift causing sudden gaps to appear. Also if the site of a tooth extraction is not immediately filled with an implant or bridge, the surrounding teeth may shift towards each other. Gaps could occur for various reasons. We work on bridging these gaps digitally. Try us for digital cosmetic dentistry.
Perk up that nose, or repair a broken one. We offer virtual rhinoplasty. Use our service to re-shape your nose without surgery! We carry out bloodless nose correction procedures — digital nose jobs.
Sometimes we have specific / random requests such as, "Make the cigar disappear", "Fix the chipped nailpolish", "Take ink stain off", "Fix my big ears", and so on...
Wouldn't it be nice to commission a house restoration and know beforehand what it would look like on completion? We make this possible through our photo editing services. For example: if you are not able to make up your mind about which colour would be best for the house exterior, we could whip up a few colour options. Wonder if the house look good with a fence or without one? What type? Red roof or green? Flower beds or small shrubs? You can find out!
He wants to take her photograph home to mother. And she is anxious to make the right impression. Time to cover up a bit.
Have something special done for the Christmas season. Create an X'mas card out of your favourite photograph; put together a Chirstmas gift with some photo editing. Put your own ideas to work to create unique Christmas memories.
It's the time to celebrate love, the most beautiful feeling in the world. Lucky are those who have that special someone to call their own. Create a special memory for the love of your life...
If you are ready to get hitched, chances are you will head for an online dating service or a matrimonial website. You really do need a photograph (or photographs) that you're happy with to upload along with your profile. We all have our favourite pictures, but mostly there's *something* in them we would like changed. Look at these examples of what people ask for. See what they requested...
This involves recreation of an event for which no photographic record is available. A pictorial storyline is created to bring the event to life.
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